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Mobipocket export possible
I don't want to appear greedy but if I could recommend some new feature....
Export to mobipocket
Since I couldn't find an offline html browser in java for my mobilphone but there are several mobipocket clients out, even for java. That would mean we could go geocaching with a pna and read all about the caches offline even on older mobilphones (without having to switch bethween different programs).
Here is a GSAK macro which implemented it:
Greetings from Germany
- Ak chcete pridať komentáre, tak sa musíte prihlásiť alebo zaregistrovať.
Thx for your suggestion, I
Thx for your suggestion, I see this macro ...
Have you any piece of code how product from this macro?
It woud be useful information for maked analogous procedure in MoZiGo.
If you have such data send me mail./mozigo(alt+64)zubor.net/
If I have little time to try to make.