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My Found - zobrazenie map v Google Chrome

Hlásim že nezobrazuje mapy v záložkach pri prehliadači Google Chrome, v IE to tuším ide... Ešte dotaz, ani vám nezobrazuje už pár dní odznaky v štatistikách alebo na stránke Bag gen?

Update zabral aj na google

Update zabral aj na google na odznaky je treraz vsetko oki...Vďaka.

Najnovsie info o

Najnovsie info o odznakoch: Okay...the website is back up but the badge graphics are gone. BadgeGen apparently became too popular and it was overloading my web host's servers (I looked at the web hosting stats and figured out that almost half a million badge images were being accessed per day! I had no idea it was this popular!)Anyway, for now, the images are gone. I am working with Clyde as he offered to host the images on the GSAK server. Hopefully the issue will be resolved soon. Thanks for being patient.---------------------Kyle


je este sanca ze budu niekedy fungovat? 

Ved uz tyzden funguju...tebe

Ved uz tyzden funguju...tebe stale nie?Updateoval si program?


jasne, updatujem pravidelne,

jasne, updatujem pravidelne, mam verziu to vypada uvidis v mojom profiludiky 

A mas to zapnute v

A mas to zapnute v nastaveniach...?

Nastavenia\Statistiky\Parametrizacia statistiky\Ostatne\Chcem odznaky





ano mammal som vybranu variantu 5,9,12,14 ked vyberiem 1,3,6,10,13 alebo 5,9,12,14 pripadne custom varintu tak odznaky chybajufunguju len ked vyberiem "podla urovni v kategoriach "

Aha tak to bude bug...

Aha tak to bude bug...